The first model that was created was the 007 logo. In order to do this, I created a plane object and placed the 007 logo on the object as a material.

The UVW map was used to adjust the position of the logo. This was then used as a template so I could model the logo on top of it. One the model had been created, the plane was deleted and the logo was rotated 90 degrees so that it was standing vertical. After applying materials to the different sections, the lighting was edited in order to make the material stand out more when it was rendered.

The second model that was created was the martini glass. The first step I took was to create the basic glass shape which was to be created in a similar way to the Chess piece in Tutorial 2. After creating a template in Adobe Illustrator (see left), I imported it into 3D Studio Max and ensured that the pivot point was in the correct position.
Then, using the lathe technique and adjusting the levels to ensure a smooth finish, a basic martini glass was created:
The material was then modified to make the glass look transparent and a lighting effect was added to make the glass look more shiny. Now that the glass had been completed, the components had to be created to add to the glass. These were made in separate 3ds files and then imported once they were finished.
Firstly, I created the lemon slice by making a cylinder, adjusting the width to make it thinner and then by adding a material on top. The material layer was then adjusted to make the lemon look more realistic (slightly waxy looking).
Next, I created the olive. This was made up of 3 different shapes which were all rotated and adjusted to the correct size. Again, an olive skin material was added to the shape to make it look more realistic and the smooth option was chosen to smooth the line between all the shapes together, making it look like one shape.
Finally, I created the cocktail stirrer simply using 2 shapes and joining them together.
These components were then imported and positioned using the move tool and the rotate tool to give the best effect. I decided to choose a background to edit the environment when I rendered my final design because it allows you to see the transparency of the glass better. In the final trailer, there will be a different background used which will create an even greater effect than what can be seen at the moment.
The third and final model that I designed and created was the roulette wheel. I decided to create the centerpiece of the roulette wheel first so, similarly to the martini glass, a template was drawn using Adobe Illustrator and was imported into 3D Studio Max. Using the pivot tool and the Lathe modifier, a 3D object was created and smoothed out to create a finer finish. A gold, metallic material was then added to make it look more realistic.
After importing the centerpiece into a new 3ds file, I created the base for the roulette wheel using cylinder, positioned them and placed the centerpiece on top.
After adding materials to all of the sections individually, I then started making adjustments to the cylinders to give the wheel it's bowl appearance. This was done by converting the object to a poly and then making adjustments to the vertices, similarly to the leaf tutorial. This is the effect that was created:
The wooden table that the board was placed on looked too block-like so I used the squeeze modifier. This is the result:
Although this was closer to the effect I was aiming for, it still did not look quite as it should, I wanted to make the table top bigger and the base of the table smaller so I used the stretch modifier:
Because I was finally happy with this model, I imported a roulette ball (which was created as a simple, white sphere with no sheen) and placed it on the outer edge of the board, to demonstrate how it will be animated in the next half of this semester.
007 Logo
ReplyDeleteColor Powder Coating Inc.
Last Accessed: 27/02/2011
Joystiq by AOL Inc.
Last Modified: 11/02/2009
Last Accessed: 27/02/2011
Martini Glass + components (olive and lemon slice)
Pixel Perfect Digital
Last Accessed: 27/02/2011
Texas AgriLife Extension Service
Last Accessed: 27/02/2011
Roulette Board
Flickr from Yahoo!
Last Modified: 11/03/2009
Last Accessed: 27/02/2011
Last Modified: 19/07/2009
Last Accessed: 27/02/2011
Last Accessed: 27/02/2011
Last Accessed: 27/02/2011