At the same time as the ball rotating, the numbers also rotate in the opposite direction, making the roulette table look more realistic.
In my storyboard, I wanted to create a transition effect between the 2nd and 3rd scenes using playing cards. I managed to accomplish this by creating 3 planes and adding a material to them. The material was then adjusted to fit the cards properly:
The cards were then imported into my roulette scene and were organised so that after about 200 frames into the animation, they would appear on screen. My original idea was for them to turn over and then pass off the screen but I found it very difficult to find a suitable material to cover the backs of the cards. So instead, I flick the cards off in different directions over a 100 frame period. Similarly to my logo animation, I could not just make certain elements of the animation appear and disappear, so when the cards cover the roulette table and ball, the roulette table is reduced to a size so small that you cannot see it anymore. I also wanted to include credits on this scene but I felt it would be better to wait until I made the final trailer before I added them.
Here is the timeline of my finished roulette scene:
Finally, the video below shows my final roulette scene before it has been adjusted using the media editing software:
References for the playing cards:
Last accessed: 15/04/2011
References for the background I used:
Last accessed: 15/04/2011
References for the background I used:
Last accessed: 15/04/2011
All other textures have been cited prior to this blog post